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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Greasy Hair Tip

Hi guys! Aye here with ya ready to make your day just a little simpler! ~.^

One of the things we all dread, especially girls, is an oily, sweaty, bedhead from the busy day before! Dun Dun Duuun! Don't panic besides sticking with a plain ponytail or bun here is a tip that would come in handy!
So say you've had a previous tough day, homework, work, sports, etc. and you didn't really have time to do some of the basics like wash your hair! Now you're left with an oily, sweaty head to start your day? What do you do next? I find myself in this situation a lot of the time so don't panic, there's hope! :) Here are some of the things you need.


  • A brush or comb
  • Yummy smelling foot powder, I like using Rare Pearls by Mary Kay ( It smells fresh and clean!)


Now you simply brush and comb your hair to untangle any mess, then take the powder and apply it anywhere on the oily parts of your hair you would like to get rid of. You can powder directly onto your hair or take some in your hand. I find it easier to use my hand, this way I can have better control of the powder and the amount. One you apply the powder in your hair, you then simply pat at the powder ( This will help the powder absorb any oils in your hair without it looking ashy) You can then add some powder to your brush or comb if you have oily ends or just want a fresh new look. Now after your happy with your hair's condition you can then start styling as usual. And your set! :)

 If you find yourself in this situation a lot, like myself, feel free to carry your powder or even find a travel sized one around with you, this way you can easily dust, pat, and look refreshed in no time at all. Hope this has been helpful to y'all beauty peeps.

Til' next time, stay beautiful!
Much love, Aye <3

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